Thursday, June 5, 2008

Hardy Heron woes... If it ain't broke...

A comment on the ubuntu forum:

"Don't break what is working!". There was no need for an upgrade when things were fine for you in Gutsy.

My response:

Oh, I definitely agree. However, not all things were working fine. Evolution did not work fine in Gutsy. There were continuing issues with the ATI video driver that I'd read were much better in Heron (maybe that's true for some, but not true for me). In general, the Ubuntu upgrades have been great, each time, performance has improved, the apps themselves are better, the general fit and polish is nicer, so I really haven't seen a reason not to upgrade, other than I figure I'll have to fiddle with video and wireless to get it running correctly again. All these other issues are a surprise to me and not what my history of using Ubuntu would suggest.

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